About Us

across the globe, we are united in our dedication to OKOMAN

Photo: Okuapemman Verona – Italy



To help Ghanaians to integrate into the Dutch society and be able to participate fully his/her quota for the betterment of the society in which he/she lives.

To promulgate the Ghanaian culture to the proper understanding of the Dutch society and the vice versa.

To seek avenues to educate the Ghanaians on basic education vis-à-vis the Dutch educational system and to organise adult education programmes with view of improving ones capabilities at his/her place of work, and the society in which he/she lives.

To organise information and awarenesscampaigns / programs with a view of enhancing the socio-economic development of Ghanaians in Amsterdam South East and the Netherlands in general.

To organise fund raising and finance small projects.

To disseminate information from the government institutions to the Ghanaian community and convey our grievances to the appropriate government quarters.


— Our Mission

It is our greatest desire that you contribute towards its consolidation with your donations, comments, ideas and suggestion which would help in no small way to bridge up the gap between Ghanaians and the government institutions in Netherlands.

— Our Vision

The foundation shall be funded by the subsidies from the District council of Amsterdam South East and donations from willing individuals. Whatever the foundation obtains by testamentary disposition, legacy and gifts.

— Our Story

Prior to the founding of Akuapem State, the institution of chieftancy as we know of today was non-existent.  The leadership of highland community made up mainly of GUANS and the KYEREPONGS consisted of Priest and Priestesses.

The foundation shall strive to achieve its aims and objectives through the following means

  • Information evening
  • Regular meetings
  • Workshop and lectures by experts
  • Summer camps and excursions.
  • Games and sporting activities
  • An annual culture event
  • Publications of a year report brochures and pamphlets
  • Visit the needy and counselling
  • Other relevant activities.

The foundation shall have the following board members who will see to the smooth running of the group;

  • The Chairperson /vice
  • The Secretary / vice
  • Co-ordinator and assistant
  • Financial secretary
  •  Auditor


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It had always been our dream to promote Okoman foundation founded on the 24th March 1995 in Amsterdam South East, through the world wide web.

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