The common enemy (The Akwamus) having been driven away, and besides the fear that they might return, became the need to institute an internal security system to face any future eventuality.

The Akim warlords thus arranged a meeting among the Guans and the Kyereponds at Abotakyi. The purpose was to organise the territory into an order known as Twi millitaryOrder. This consideration influenced the need of allocating offices and creating of new stools. Five divisions were created to rule the state under King Safori, with the later as Okuapehene.

The five divisions are: Adonten number 1, belonging to Nana Offei Kwasi Agyeman for his role as warrior during the war. Adonten number 2 went to the remnants of Akwamufor occupying the central position of the ridge. The Gyase position went to Nana Akompi Kwatia of Amanokrom for he being the brother of Okyenhene, and also custodian of Okuapehene palace regalia and paraphenalia.

The Nifa position was given to the five Kyerepong towns with its headquarters at Awukugua for his role of negotiating the meeting. The Benkum division was given to the Guans at Larteh. At the first traditional council meeting the Gyakiti warlord was crowned as the senior divisional chief and next commander-in-chief whenever the Okuapeheneis away. In 1934, the then Okuapehene Nana Ofori Kuma decided that the Adontenhene

Number1 title re- designated to Krontihene, a title which did not change his position and status in the heirachy of Akuapem, even though Nana Yaw Boafo the then Krontiheneabdicated in protest over the change. The Krontihene remained as the second-in-command to the Okuapehene. He owns Akropong, as such he is the Akroponghene. The Krontihene in concert and collaboration with the Okoman elders and the Ankobeafo administers the affairs of Akropong. In doing this the Okuapehene is consulted for his inputs. The common saying is Offei Kwasi Agyeman and his Koman.

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